Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.

~George Bernard Shaw

Our Purpose

SOLA’s purpose is to preserve and protect the holy sacrament of Ayahuasca and its religious use; to be a healing, helping and aligning force within our communities both locally and on the internet; 

To create a sanctuary for all people, without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, politics, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, or sexual orientation, where they can safely experience the sacred sacrament of Ayahuasca as well as other healing methods and spiritual traditions; to protect the rights of every member to have their own unique, personal relationship with the Spirit of Ayahuasca.

To provide the membership with spiritual fellowship, service, education and healing; to embody and share a message of love, acceptance, healing and divinity in all; to encourage the growth and expansion of our higher consciousness and collective evolution.

Our Beliefs

We have one Creative Consciousness

  • There is One Creative Consciousness, Divine Source, that created all things and IS all things.
  • As an extension and expression of Divine Source, all Creation is inherently worthy of respect.
  • Ayahuasca is a unique Consciousness, a Goddess aspect of Divine Source, an expression of the Divine Mother, A Master Plant Teacher, an agent of Love and a sacred healing plant medicine.

We align with Divine Source

  • Partaking in the sacred sacrament of Ayahuasca is a fundamental part of our spiritual and healing journey and re-alignment with Divine Source. 
  • It is our birth rite and responsibility to seek alignment with our highest self and in so doing aid the growth and expansion of our own consciousness and the collective evolution of all beings.

We Embrace our Power

  • As physical manifestations of Divine Source personified, we embrace our power as co-creators of our life experience through our thoughts, words and deeds.
  • It is our intent to embody these principles and honor the Spirit of Ayahuasca by treating all Creation with respect and as an extension and expression of Divine Source.

All Inclusive Ayahuasca Retreats

So You can Focus on You!

Retreat Details:
2 Ceremonies – Friday 5pm – Sunday 11 am

$800 – 1000 depending on location

Most of our retreats are 2 nights and held in Tucson,AZ. 

Included in Retreat

Small Group Size (Max 10)


Accomodation – In Tucson participants have their own beds in shared rooms. In other locations there may be shared beds.

Delicious Food – fresh, mostly vegetarian and gluten-free food. Vegan options available.

Saturday afternoon workshop

Group Integration onsite

Pre and post support emails

Monthly Group Integration Zoom Calls

Retreats Details:
3 Ceremonies – Thursday 5pm – Sunday 11am

$1000 – $1250 depending on location.

We offer 3 night retreats only a couple times a year.

Included in Retreat


Small Group Size (Max 10)


Accomodation – In Tucson participants have their own beds in shared rooms. In other locations there may be shared beds. 

Delicious Food – fesh, mostly vegetarian and gluten-free food. Vegan options available.

Friday and Saturday afternoon workshop(s)

Group Integration onsite

Pre and post support emails

Monthly Group Integration Zoom Calls

Retreat Dates

A Little About Myself

Hi, I’m Alexcis, the Maestra of SOLA. The Maestra leads the Ayahuasca ceremony and is responsible for the safety of the passengers.  I am also an alternative mental-emotional counselor, Integration Coach, Amazon Best Selling Author, Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Life Coach and Ordained Minister.  I have worked with the medicine since 2007 and been facilitating since 2018. I was trained by both traditional and western teachers. I have personally experienced the profound healing and transformations this medicine offers and that is one of the many reasons why I work for and with Aya to help bring her love and healing to others.

Ayahuasca is so much more than just a psychedelic. She is a Master Plant Teacher Spirit that can help us get to the core of our fears, traumas, and woundedness so that we can step into our most connected, powerful and loving selves. Sitting with the medicine is not easy. It is not a golden bullet. It’s work and it is a journey that requires courage and dedication. Saying all that, if you feel called then I hope you take the leap and answer.

Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.

~Stephen Covey

SOLA Newsletter

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The Real Deal!

"Over a hundred ceremonies and sharing circle with literally over a thousand people at this point, gives me confidence in expressing that Alexcis & SOLA are the real deal. While I am still in my infancy of walking the medicine path, I can recognize beacons of light & fellow travelers on their path of mastery. I have been especially in awe with the devotion, focus, humbleness and humor I have observed in Alexcis as a facilitator, as well as the safety of her medicine space. Whether you're looking for friendship, a space to grow and practice, or examples to inspire you on your journey, SOLA is a worthy home!


Retreat Participant/ SOLA Member


My experience with Alexcis and her excellent team on the Aya Retreat was transformative. The Retreat was impeccably implemented with every detail attended to.

I am looking forward to another experience with her as I continue my Spiritual journey.

John M

Retreat Participant

A Beautiful Family

My experience can hardly be put into words. Alexcis helped opened the space of compassion and love. She brought us to a place where words no longer adequately describe our experience. From the start, I was drawn to this beautiful family where I felt no judgment or pressure. Our leader took steps to ensure our collective success and never made anything feel forced. The progress we make is always done from the inside, and being with these beautiful people brought the best out within me. We radiate and strive in unison. You will see me again soon in ceremony with the people I call family. Thank you for everything

Alex P

Retreat Participant/ SOLA Member


It was life-changing. I went to the darkest, most painful places and also some of the most beautiful loving ones. Words can’t describe it. It was terrifying at times, felt like I was dying. Other times it was pure bliss. I healed lifetimes of pain and am learning how to live from love, rather than fear.


Retreat Participant

Highly Recommended!

As I was desiring to work with Ayahuasca for a very long time, I originally felt it was out of reach and something that would require extensive travel to the rain forest with a challenge of finding the right guides. What I found was SOLA, through the recommendation of a friend who also worked with them, and I am incredibly grateful and changed from my experience with the team and the journey I was able to participate in. I have become a better version of myself since working with Aya and will definitely be doing more work in the future. Highly Recommended!

Testimonial Item


Retreat Participant/SOLA Member

Great Care and Personal Attention
I had felt the call to engage with ayahuasca for several years and when the time was right I was only hesitant because I had come to believe that it would require travel outside of the country. An internet search led me to SOLA and I was delighted to discover the opportunity was available here locally. My only concern/question was around the nature of the experience and how Alexcis would look after the participants.
Having now recently completed my weekend retreat, I feel we here locally are exceptionally fortunate to have Alexcis' expertise in Arizona. She is extremely knowledgeable with the medicine and her dedication to small group size (maximum of ten) allows her to show great care and personal attention to each participant. I observed her assisting individuals who were very challenged by the experience, as well as providing deep calming guidance and dialogue with those of us who were having a more peaceful but spiritually deep journey. Beyond the ceremony, she was 'working' all weekend including facilitating whole-group processing of our experiences and making herself available for individual dialogue as well. She is a gifted healer and if you are considering working with SOLA I would reassure you that you are in expert care with Alexcis.

Testimonial Item


Retreat Particpant

Life Altering Shifts!

First off, I want to start by thanking you for everything you have done and will continue to do in the area of healing and growth! Now that I have participated in 2 weekend ceremonies, I have experienced profound realizations, release and clarity that may have been more challenging to accomplish without your help, along with the medicine. The preparation was clear and understandable, easy to follow. The setting was incredible, designed to have the most powerful experience for your unique needs while knowing you are in a safe, open and accepting place to explore whatever it is the medicine will bring you!

I would highly recommend that anyone interested in exploring the various offerings of SOLA, immediately make the decision to reach out so you can get a better understanding of how Alexcis does what she does and give yourself the opportunity to have life altering shifts! As mentioned above, I have participated in 2 weekend ceremonies and I can honestly say that I am a different person than I was before I explored this area of my consciousness. You will be changed when you take this adventure, the journey will give you an opportunity to explore yourself in a way unlike any other I have experienced. Alexcis and SOLA are the guides that I have used and trust, you will too!

Testimonial Item


Retreat Participant/SOLA Member

Deepest Gratitude

From the moment I decided to participate in the retreat, I was impressed by the meticulous planning and thoughtful communication you provided. The weeks leading up to the retreat were filled with multiple communications to ensure we were fully prepared for the event. This preparation process was clearly designed to maximize our experience through various means.

Upon arrival at the retreat, the warm welcome and the tour of the house and understanding the layout and the introductions to others created a relaxed and welcoming environment. Once everyone arrived, you went over the itinerary again, ensuring everyone was comfortable and had no questions. This level of care made us all feel very welcome and at ease.

The first night's ceremony was beyond words. The environment you created enabled us to fully immerse ourselves in the experience. Your angelic voice during the ceremony was incredibly healing and reassuring, something that must be experienced to be truly understood. The ceremony was an eye-opening event for me and the others.

Day two continued with the group processing session where we shared our thoughts and feelings. Although I did not opt for body work, those who did found it refreshing. The afternoon "Breathe" work was life-changing. With your support and Heath’s, I was able to power through it and found it incredibly rewarding. A cleansing if you will. The techniques learned are something I can now use on my own

Entering the second ceremony, I felt accomplished and approached it with an open mind. Meditating with a clear mind allowed me to absorb all the positive energy from within and the ceremony itself, leading to a beautiful experience. I slept well and woke up energized and grateful.

The final gathering after breakfast to share our experiences and the follow-up resources provided & offered were invaluable. My overall time spent at the retreat was more than I could have imagined. The entire process and execution of the retreat were exceptionally well put together.

Thank you, for your time, guidance, and the unforgettable experience. I am deeply grateful to you and the other members of the group who made this journey so meaningful.

Testimonial Item

Jason B


Start Your Journey!

An epic experience with beautiful souls and a safe and sacred setting awaits!