Below are a few of our most commonly asked questions. 

What is ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a vine that is found in the Amazonian basin of South America.  Ayahuasca is also the name of a brew or tea used by the native people’s of the Amazon for millennia. The Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) is combined with leaves from the Chacurna (Psychotria virdis) shrub (or other DMT containing plants) to create the tea.  Ayahuasca translates to “vine of souls”, “vine of death” or “vine with a soul”.   The native people’s of the Amazon use Ayahuasca for healing and spiritual work.

How does ayahuasca work?

Banisteriopsis caapi (Ayahuasca vine) has alkaloids​ that act as MAO inhibitors, meaning they inhibit an enzyme, monoamine oxidase, which usually breaks down certain alkaloids before they can pass through the blood-brain barrier and reach the brain. 

Psychotria virdis (Chacurna leaves) contains DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) which is a psychedelic compound that is produced by living organisms.  Psychoactive tryptamines such as DMT are usually too delicate to be active orally and would normally be broken down by the human body in minutes.

MAO inhibitors, such as the harmine and harmaline found in B. caapi (Ayahuasca), prevent the DMT molecules from breaking down, allowing them to enter the brain intact.  When combines these two plants produce the pronounced visual, auditory, and physical alterations that lead to the profound experience of the Ayahuasca journey.

​Because Ayahuasca is an MAO inhibitor it is especially important that anyone participating in ceremony not be on anti-depressants (SSRI) as it can, in some instances, lead to serotonin syndrome.

What effect and benefit can I expect?

Ayahuasca can have many side effects physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually that can also double as benefits.  Each person’s experience will be different, not only person to person but ceremony to ceremony.

  • Common physical side effects and benefits during a ceremony may include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, shaking, burping, passing gas, yawning, stretching, and retching.  On a metaphysical level this purging is seen as the beneficial release of negative influences and energies from the body. On a more conventional level these purges are medically beneficial, as it clears the body of worms and other parasites.
  • Emotional side effects  and benefits may include intense emotional experiences as well as releases. You may cry or laugh or feel any number of other emotions as you work through old traumas, visit inner fears or experience connection with all creation.  Because Ayahuasca is an MAO inhibitor many people have looked to it for help with depression, anxiety and addictions.
  • Mental side effects and benefits may include visual and auditory visionary experiences. You will notice I do not use the word “hallucinations” because that words carries with it the idea that what you experience is not real or somehow made up.  Just because how you perceive in ceremony is different than everyday perception does not make what you perceive “unreal”, “fake”, “made-up” or “imaginary.”  You may also experience profound personal insight, release of old beliefs, negative patterns, bad habits and a deeper understanding of who you really are.
  • Spiritual side effects and benefits may include A deeper understanding of your connection to everyone and everything, a “God” experience, near death experience, interacting with spirit of all sorts including guides, angels, dead relatives, power animals, Masters, nature spirits, aliens and Ayahuasca herself.
  • The experiences that you have in ceremony – insights, visions, teaching, etc – will often lead to changes in your ordinary, everyday life. How successfully we integrate our experiences back into our everyday life is up to us and that is one of the reasons that I have created so much support before, during and after the retreat.  Be aware that intense experiences of this nature tend to change us, our priorities and motivations and can lead us to make some major changes in our lives so take that into consideration when deciding whether or not you want to participate.

What you will learn in ceremony will change you – never go into this work lightly.

As Aldous Huxley said in his cult classic Doors of Perception:

          “The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out.  He will be wiser but less cocksure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of words to things, of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable Mystery which it tries, forever vainly, to comprehend.”

Who leads the ayahuasca ceremony?

The leader of an Ayahuasca ceremony is called a maestro or maestra.  They are the guide and conductor of the ceremony. Our ceremonies are women led.  This does set us apart as there are far fewer maestras.  The maestra creates the space in which this sacred and intense healing work takes place so it is of vital importance to have someone of integrity who knows how to hold safe space for multiple people.  

As mentioned before, I have been working with Aya since 2007 and have worked both in Peru and here in the states training with both traditional and more non traditional masters.  My ceremony format is semi-traditional meaning that it includes both live singing, instruments and recorded sacred music from around the world.  

The Ayahuasca used during our retreats is made from Ayahuasca vine and Chacurna or Mimosa.  I have at least one assistant at the ceremonies for added support.  We have built our retreat experience to create a safe, loving, supportive environment so you can focus fully on your own healing journey.

Why do you have to fill out a medical form?

Your safety is our priority. There are some physical/mental and medicinal contraindication to participating and that is why we have an application process that includes a medical form. It is important that you fill the form out thoroughly.

If you happen to have a medical condition or are taking medication that would make the ceremony unsafe for you then we will speak with you and make a decision based on your particular circumstances. The Maestra has the final say as to who is allowed to safely participate.


We respect the privacy of our participants.  There can be many reason why you may not want others to know about your participation in this medicine. We do not post pictures or reveal our participants names on social media or in marketing material without your consent.  

Start Your Journey!

An epic experience with beautiful souls in a safe and sacred space awaits!