The Importance of Community
The journey to self-knowledge, Enlightenment, and Healing isn’t an easy one. Often a Big Breakthrough looks and feels like a Big Breakdown at first. When we seek to grow and evolve it often means letting go of relationships, careers, belief systems and self-identity that doesn’t serve us anymore. This can be frightening, isolating and de-stabilizing Having a community of people who are also consciously engaging in their own personal growth can be a life line during a very chaotic time. It is a relief to find out you aren’t crazy and that other people have not only been where you are but survived and then thrived. Everyone’s journey is their own and no one can do it for you but the acceptance and love of fellow journeyers can make it a much more joyful process.
Here at SOLA we won’t offer you any truth with a capital T, only encourage you to listen for your own truth. We believe in empowering ourselves and other. Everyone in SOLA is in process. We embrace this beautiful messy journey we call life and continue to refine what it means to be an embodied human-perfectly imperfect. We often remind each other there is no destination only the day to day of choosing alignment and walking our truth respectfully, responsibly and kindly
We offer lots of unique experiences and opportunities for both our Members and our Aya Allies (non-members) but if you are looking to engage on a deeper level with a community that is committed to their own personal growth then think about becoming a SOLA Member.

Member Benefits
A loving and accepting community environment that is invested in personal growth and communal integrity
Discounts to most events SOLA
Access to members only events like exclusive plant medicine ceremonies, High Holidays and special retreats
Reservation priority to special workshops led by visiting partners
Inclusion in member’s chat and calendar group
Fun SOLA swag
voice in the future and direction of the Sanctuary

SOLA’s purpose is to preserve and protect the holy sacrament of Ayahuasca and its religious use; to be a healing and aligning force within our communities both locally and on the internet to create a sanctuary for all people without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, politics, national origins, ethnicity, physical disability, or sexual orientation, where they can safely experience the sacred sacrament of Ayahuasca as well as other healing methods and spiritual traditions, to protect the right of every member to have their own unique, personal relationship with the Spirit of Ayahuasca; to provide the membership with spiritual fellowship, service, education and healing; to embody and share a message of love, acceptance, healing and divinity in all; to encourage the growth and expansion of our higher consciousness and collective evolution.
Annual dues of $111.00 (multiple payment options available)

Become a member!
If you are ready to join us, email us and a member of our Membership team will be in touch.