SOLA’s purpose is to preserve and protect the holy sacrament of Ayahuasca and its religious use; to be a healing, helping and aligning force within our communities both locally and on the internet.

SOLA’s purpose is to preserve and protect the holy sacrament of Ayahuasca and its religious use; to be a healing, helping and aligning force within our communities both locally and on the internet; to create a sanctuary for all people, without discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, politics, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, or sexual orientation, where they can safely experience the sacred sacrament of Ayahuasca as well as other healing methods and spiritual traditions; to protect the rights of every member to have their own unique, personal relationship with the Spirit of Ayahuasca; to provide the membership with spiritual fellowship, service, education and healing; to embody and share a message of love, acceptance, healing and divinity in all; to encourage the growth and expansion of our higher consciousness and collective evolution.

- There is One Creative Consciousness, Divine Source, that created all things and IS all things.
- As an extension and expression of Divine Source, all Creation is inherently worthy of respect.
- Ayahuasca is a unique Consciousness, a Goddess aspect of Divine Source, an expression of the Divine Mother, A Master Plant Teacher, an agent of Love and a sacred healing plant medicine.
- Partaking in the sacred sacrament of Ayahuasca is a fundamental part of our spiritual and healing journey and re-alignment with Divine Source.
- It is our birth rite and responsibility to seek alignment with our highest self and in so doing aid the growth and expansion of our own consciousness and the collective evolution of all beings.
- As physical manifestations of Divine Source personified, we embrace our power as co-creators of our life experience through our thoughts, words and deeds.
- It is our intent to embody these principles and honor the Spirit of Ayahuasca by treating all Creation with respect and as an extension and expression of Divine Source.
SOLA Membership
We offer lots of unique experiences and opportunities for both our Members and our Aya Allies (non-members) but if you are looking to engage on a deeper level with a community that is committed to their own personal growth then think about becoming a SOLA Member.

SOLA Newsletter
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