The descriptions provided below are for educational purposes only.

Is a visionary brew that is drunk by participants to do deep healing work or to explore their spirituality. Please visit our page on Ayahuasca retreats to read more about Ayahuasca.

Ayahuasca Insights Zooms
If you are considering engaging with this plant medicine, this group discussion is a great educational opportunity to hear insights from an experienced journeyer and retreat facilitator. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about preparation and what to expect before, during and after a ceremony. Because this plant medicine has become so popular lately, it is even more important to ask questions and understand why you want to do this, who you will be sitting with and what their intentions are in offering this sacred ceremony.

Is the primary ingredient in chocolate before sugar and milk are added. It has been used by South American peoples for thousands of years and was seen as a gift from the gods. Benefits of drinking cacao: improved mood, better digestion, loaded with anti-oxidants, relaxation, boost in mental function, balances insulin, good for cardiovascular system. Energetically cacao is heart focused and opening and can help with increased empathy, insight and connection.

A ground mixture of ground Ayahuasca vine, plant DMT, Passion flower, Blue lotus, Calendula, Peppermint that is smoked. This is a short (10-20min) and powerful experience that is can be a great introduction to Aya or to continue connection and work between full ceremonies or a beautiful medicine on its own.

Rapéh is a sacred snuff made from various plants and ash from the Amazon area in a base of jungle Tabaco called mapacho. Rapéh can be both a visionary and a grounding medicine. Rapéh is blown in each nostril and a period of meditation follows.

is a sedative drink traditionally made in Polynesia from the crushed roots of a plant of the pepper family. Drinking of Kava can be traced back at least 3,000 years and was used socially, ceremonially and medicinally. Benefits of drinking Kava: decrease anxiety, muscle relaxant, pain relief, promotes feelings of peace and wellbeing. Energetically kava promotes community and connection as well as relaxation.

Is the “sweat” from the Phyllomedusa, a tree frog that lives up n the upper Amazon. There are a multitude of uses for Sapo/Kambo, the most popular being : detox, energetic clearing, trauma release and also the release of anxiety, pain and stress. Several superficial burns are made on the upper arm, meridian point or chakra center (normally). The medicine is then applied directly into the bloodstream via the small burns in the skin. Once the medicine is administered into the burns, the effects will begin to take hold. This can last anywhere from 10-15 min. During this time, the participants may feel an array of sensations. Many of the sensations can be uncomfortable, but this is part of the process and journey with this medicine.

Shamanic Journey Circle
Journeying is a shamanic trance technique that uses drums and music to help you access non-ordinary reality where you can meet your power animals, guides, angels and connect with your own higher wisdom. Benefits of journeying: increased connection to self and greater world seen and unseen, access to allies, healing, improved feelings of wellbeing, insight, relaxation.

Sweat Lodge
Sweats are used for cleansing, healing, thanksgiving, celebration and self-reflection. It is a structure covered with canvas heated and by lava stones. There are 4 rounds of between 20-30 minutes with short 5-10min breaks in between. Many different techniques can be used – drumming, singing, music, meditation, guided visualizations and more. Wear clothes that can get sweaty, as well as something to change into. You can participate by sitting inside the sweat but you must be ok with heat. Or you can participate by sitting outside the sweat lodge in the outer circle.

Eye drops made from the Sananga root. When dropped into the eyes this medicine create an intense burning. Benefits include stronger eyesight, promotes visions in Aya ceremonies and clearing of the 3rd eye and negative mental energies.

Vapor Baths
Uses large pots of heated medicine to pull out toxins both physically and energetically. Participants breath in and sit in the vapors.

A purgative is taken with warm water to induce purging. Pulls toxins from the stomach and intestines and releases negative energies from the energy and spiritual bodies.

Smoke Baths
Clears and protects the physical and energy bodies of negative energy by standing in billowing smoke from a combination of medicines.

Flower Baths
Water that’s been imbued with flowers and their essence is poured over the participants. Seals in healing and attracts good energies.
Books & Reference
- Ayahuasca in My Blood by Peter Gorman
- Listening to Ayahuasca by Rachel Harris, PhD
- Visionary Vine by Marlene Dobkin de Rios
- Ayahuasca Visions by Luis Luna & Pablo Amaringo
- Ayahuasca Reader by Luis Luna & Steven White
- The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby
- The Fellowship of the River by Joseph Tafur, MD
- The Ayahuasca Sessions by Rak Razam
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