New Moon is all about new beginnings.  It is a wonderful time to self-reflect, start new projects, create new habits and set intentions for the next lunar cycle.  Creating a ritual that you do every new moon is a wonderful way to honor and embrace the powerful energies of this time. 

Creating your own ritual is fun and easy.  Here are a few elements you can play with to create your own.

1. Create a sacred space where you can set up your ritual.

2. Light a candle to honor the new energies. (The dollar store is a great place to get candles)

3. Write down your new intentions, goals, habits or projects that you want to manifest during the lunar cycle. Write your intentions down in a specific, clear, positive, present tense way and remember to tap into how your are doing to feel when your intention has manifested.  Feelings are the key to fast manifestation. For example – “I am so full of excitement and security now that I have the new position at work.” or “I feel proud of myself and physically stronger now that I am running 3 times a week.”

4. Pull a tarot card, rune or other divination tool. Ask what energies you will be working with this month or what energies you need to work with to help manifest your intentions.

5. Take a new moon bath and use essential oils that connect with the energies you want to manifest. For example – Use Patchouli and Cinnamon for Abundance, Rose and Jasmin for love, Lavender and Chamomile for Peace, Lemon and Basil for Clarity.  Or just follow your intuition and create your own blend.

6. Choose a crystal to place on your written intentions.  Pick one that works with your intentions.  Rose quartz for Love or healing, Amethyst for spiritual growth, Carnelian for career goals, Moonstone for greater intuition and emotional stability.  Again, you can look up information online about what crystals are best for which intentions or just go with your gut and choose the one that calls you.  Once you’ve left the crystal in your sacred space/altar for 3 days you can carry it with you or place it under your pillow to remind you of the intention that you are manifesting. Every time you see it get excited about what you’ve manifested as if it has already happened.

These are just a few ideas.  Mix and match and add your own elements that speak to you.  You can’t do it wrong so let loose and have some fun. 

​Happy New Moon Rituals!