Spring has sprung again, reminding us that winter will not last forever no matter what it may feel like sometimes. In a wonderfully fun zoom recently we discussed the idea that while we are here in this 3-d world experiencing our finite lives there are rhythms that if we honor will help us on our way. In fact, all around us the world shows us that there is a dance, a coming and going, a filling and emptying that is fundamental to our life process and health.
Here are just a few examples. The breath: Inhaling – growth, expansion, new experiences. The pause – the infinite one-ness holding all potentials. And the exhale – release, surrender, expression. The seasons which reflect the cycles of energy from stillness in winter to exuberant activity in summer as the sun shifts. The rise and fall of the tide. The moon phases. A woman’s menses. Everywhere we turn the world is whispering to us that there is an ebb and flow to life that cannot and should not be ignored.
As we have disconnected from this natural rhythm, we have artificially generated an idea that we aren’t supposed to experience ups and downs. There is a belief that we should be happy and productive 100% of the time at 100mph. Any lapse from that is often seen as a failure or that there is something wrong with us. In reality that type of thinking is what can end up causes us a great deal of stress and dis-ease mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
I invite you during these spring energies to take a step back, allow yourself to ride the waves but not BE the waves. These fluctuations do not define us. They can be informational and guide us towards a better understanding of the energies that flow through and around us. When we honor these energies, we can begin to dance with life in a new, easier way allowing for more flexibility in our experience, not fearing the downs or ebbs but seeing them as a part of a larger design.
Wishing you a beautiful Equinox season!
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