“Light thinks it travels faster than anything, but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds darkness has always got there first and is waiting for it.”
–Terry Pratchett
“Diamonds and Demons, I fight with in the night/ This is misguided; I must see it all/ There is a place for it all…
Let me tell you, let your darkness through…/ It’s your beauty too” – Nessi Gomes (Diamonds and Demons)
I’ve always loved this time of year as the shadows of Autumn turn into long winter nights. As the cold of the season calls us home to hot drinks and cozy nights in front of the fire.
The energy of Winter asks us to slow down, be more introspective, attend to what needs completion close to home. On the healing journey it is often in the darkness that we begin to see that which has been hidden and so this season can be a time of deep revelation, rectification, and recuperation. The Solstice reminds us that as we face our own darkness, we learn there is nothing fear, only more of our own power and wholeness to remember and reveal.
Simultaneously, there is another message to the Solstice. No matter how long the dark night, the light will always catch up and show the way. Sometimes it can feel like we are in an endless cycle of lessons, struggling with ourselves and our inner demons. The Solstice is a reminder that dark and light walk hand in hand. We may find ourselves in one energy more than another at any given time but one does not exist without the other. We are a kaleidoscope of light and dark because we are an expression of the Divine Consciousness – neither wholly light nor wholly dark but something more.
With this in mind I offer this blessing
This Solstice-
May you see Infinite Divinity reflected in the imperfection of your life experience
May you see the vast mystery of the stars in your own eyes
May the awe of the sunrise dawn in your heart
May you rest in love, trusting in the endless stream of light and dark energies that dance all around you
May you know that you are seen
You are known wholly
You are loved.
Blessed BE!
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