Microdosing is the consumption of small amounts of a plant or psychedelic medicine for a period of time. The benefits of microdosing a medicine is varied but the underlying reason is experiencing the benefits of the medicine in a way that can be integrated into your daily life without the psychoactive effects. When taken in small amounts over a period of time microdosing of plant/psychedelic medicines help with neuroplasticity. That means that the medicines help our brains create new neural pathways which can result in us experiencing different thought patterns and emotional states. Like micro bulldozers in the background, the medicine quietly builds new roads in your mind so that you can stop circling the same old routes that aren’t getting you anywhere but stuck. This is why many people find that microdosing helps with reduced anxiety and negative thinking, better sleep, focus, creativity, sense of connection, intuition and overall, may promotes a sense of wellbeing.

Whatever medicine you decide to microdose, the important thing to point out is that microdosing is just that – micro. When you microdose a medicine you should not be having any obvious or overt effects. With a microdose you should be able to go about your normal daily routine without any issues. The benefits of microdosing are subtle and felt over time.   If you feel even a “sparkle” then you are already at a small dose which is more than a micro-dose. 

You can microdose a variety of different things – Mushrooms, THC, Aya, MDA, LCD. Each of these medicines will have different micro-dose amounts so do your research and remember that any amounts given online are suggestions and you will need to experiment to find your individual micro-amount. One person’s micro can be another person’s small dose. Because everyone has differing sensitivity, figuring out your micro-sweet spot with any given medicine is an art of exploration.   

Also note that the schedule for microdosing can differ with medicines.

 Aya and THC, for example, can be take every day. 

Mushrooms have on days and off days – for example 1 day on and 2 days off, then repeat. 

MDA and LCD are often taken every 3 or 4 days.

There is plenty of information online for you to research. A good place to begin is to start with the standard microdose amount and schedule for the medicine you are interested in taking and then tweaking from there. Just remember that because of its subtle nature you will need to be consistent in your microdosing schedule for you to reap the full benefits over time.

**this post is for educational purposes only**