Happy Winter Solstice!

Longer nights, colder weather, slower pace – it’s that time of year to sink into the Dark.

In our dichotomic world view we have created two opposing forces. The Dark and the Light.  We treat them as rivals, enemies to each other. The Light is the good, the right, the acceptable and the Dark is evil, frightening, wrong and something to resist. 

Why is it that the Dark scares us so much? I think it’s because it is in the dark that we find all the aspects of ourselves that we banished.  Those things that were different or judged bad by those around us and made us stand out.  The dark is where we sent those needs and feelings and experiences that we didn’t know what to do with or were deemed “too much” or that rocked the boat.  It is in the dark that we must face our inner most desires and find out that we are not perfect and worse! … maybe we don’t want to be. It is in the dark that we hear those whispers in our own voice that question the rules, familial expectations, cultural norms, our very definition of ourselves. The dark is a place to hide but it is also a place to open up, reveal what is behind the “acceptable” masks we wear to fit in, to be good, to be loved. A place where we rediscover our personal power. 

Aya is a medicine of the dark.  It is a medicine not only drunk in the dark, at night but is also meant to be done behind closed eyes, in the darkness of our inner worlds. She is the dark mother who welcomes you in the darkness of the night to remind you of your beginnings, of your wholeness, of all the aspects of yourself that need remembering and reclaiming. Like Nietzche, Aya whispers to us that “you need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star”. 

We all need the reminder that Source Consciousness made us Light and Dark, Order and Chaos, Male and Female, Yin and Yang. Neither Good nor Bad. 

We were created and are loved AS WE ARE from the moment of our individuation. We do not need to do or be anything “special” to be deserving of the Divine Love. 

We always have it. 

Everyone, and I mean everyone, even those you may judge as not worthy, have that Divine Love. 

If there is one message that Aya repeats over and over and over – it is this one – 

You are Loved. 

Now is the time to stalk your shadow, especially those parts of yourself that scare you. And remember that acceptance of all your aspects does not necessarily translate into acting upon all your thoughts, feelings or desires. This remembering of yourself, your whole light/dark self, brings awareness and allows for more conscious and deliberate choice and self-expression in the outer world.