Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice Activity I invite you this winter solstice to turn off all your lights and sit in the darkness. Think about what scares you about your own darkness.  What parts of yourself do you deny, belittle or have disinherited? Allow yourself to sink into...
Embrace the Dark

Embrace the Dark

Happy Winter Solstice! Longer nights, colder weather, slower pace – it’s that time of year to sink into the Dark. In our dichotomic world view we have created two opposing forces. The Dark and the Light.  We treat them as rivals, enemies to each...
New Moon Rituals

New Moon Rituals

New Moon is all about new beginnings.  It is a wonderful time to self-reflect, start new projects, create new habits and set intentions for the next lunar cycle.  Creating a ritual that you do every new moon is a wonderful way to honor and embrace...